Friday, January 18, 2013

The Best Thing in the World

If you really think about it, what is the most appetizing, full-flavored, and heavenly food out there?  The only possible answer is French Fries. I can eat French Fries any time of the day, they are freaking amazing.  French Fries are a perfect addition to any meal whether it is hot dogs or a five star piece of steak.  You could even just eat French Fries as its own meal with a bunch of ketchup.

There is that one question that everyone always asks: are french fries really French?

Answer: No they are not. People are lying to us, they are Belgium. What is the world doing to us?


  1. I can not believe this fact. It is extremely compelling that french fries do not even derive from fFrance. I, as a french ancestor, was displeased at my culture because we produced such an unhealhty snack. Now that I know it truly does not come from us I can sleep in peace.

  2. I love this blog, how long have you been doing this? If you can I think your next blog should be about the prices and differences in the nutrition from each place. I'd be very interested to know.
